Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday

I almost forgot that today is the day I post how well I did on my weight loss goals. Ha!

But for the sake of accountability, I'll go ahead and make the post anyway:

Not so good. Valentine's Day is just not the right week to start a diet. But then, I guess any week is bad when you like to eat! So next week I definately need to improve in this area.

I did really well with the water. I'm filling up a gallon jug at night and let it get icy cold in the fridge overnight and drinking it all day long. I'm drinking LOTS of water!


Enough said. I will try to actually get some exercise in next week.

The water. I'm doing really well with water.

I really craved sweets this week (which usually isn't my's usually starches I go for). I had a hard time staying away from the Dr. Pepper and kept sneaking it in throughout the week. I need to watch that more.

Plans for next week:
Concentrate on more veggies and salads
Stay away from the sweets!
Stay away from the Dr. Pepper.
Try to exercise (shouldn't be a problem if we get good weather...I've got the gardening bug and that can be a workout!)

I gained 1 pound this week.

**This post is part of Happy To Be At Home's Weigh-In Wednesday. Even though I can't get Mr. Linky to work over there! haha

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for drinking the water. I need to drink more water and less pop! You're right it's hard to lose weight around the holidays (especially Thanksgiving and Christmas!).


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