Well I've had a very eventful couple of weeks. First the kids had spring break which means we did alot of travelling. We saw family in Oklahoma, we spent alot of downtime too, watching movies and just sitting around playing games or talking. Though it's only been two weeks, it seems like forever since I've worked on my blog. Two weeks might be something close to a year in bloggieland!
Well, after having all this time off to "relax", I've got alot to do this week. This to-do list is the backbone of keeping my weeks "in check". I have been making the checkmark system for my to-do list in previous weeks, but I think this week, I'm going to try the day by day cross off method and see if that helps with my productivity. Let's see how the week goes!
Morning routine
Weekly shopping trip
pickup free Redbox movie
email JT and Diane
check ironing
Spaghetti for supper
Chicken in crockpot for overnight
blog posts before bed
Morning routine
Debone Chicken and package for meals
Take pictures of Chicken Pot Pie prep for Thursday
Bake Muffins for lunches
Paperwork Catchup
Garden work (if snow is gone)
Take pictures of garden stuff for Friday's blog
3:00 Dr appt for Dillon
make dr appt for Abby
Return Redbox movie
Drop off mortgage payment
Chicken Pot pie for supper
Post Wed blogs before bed
Morning routine
Extra Blog work (carnival hosting?)
WHS site work
reunion tasks
Clean Bathroom
Clean Living Room
Work on Picture Books
Meatloaf for dinner
Post Thurs blogs before bed
Morning Routine
Laundry Catch up day
Reorganize Abby's closet
Clean out fridge
Take out trash (trash day tomorrow)
Work on preposals
Mexican Night (take pics and write blog)
Post blogs
Morning Routine
Bill day
Focus clean on my bedroom (curtains?)
Catch up anything that didn't get done (before the weekend!)
Pizza for dinner
Post Blogs
Morning Routine
Garden Day (I'm hoping that I can burn off my veg garden site today if the wind alerts are off)
Pictures for garden blog entry
Chicken Cheese and Rice for dinner
Church clothes need iron?
Morning Routine
Get papers
Clip and Organize coupons
Work deals for Mon shopping
plan menu's/to do's for next week
YOYO dinner!!
Get rested and get ready to go again next week!
A word about my morning routine. In the interest of boring you to death, I'm just putting the highlights of my day. But because I LOVE lists, I'm putting my morning routine one time here at the bottom of the page for anyone who might be interested. I'm also listing this for me since I'm printing this off and I've just modified the routine a bit to be more efficient. Before I did the same things, but in a different order. I think I need to have more things done before Abby gets up, so I'm moving things around a bit.
Morning Routine (usually from 5:30 until about 9)
Husband and kids to work/school bus
Washer started
Get myself ready and make my bed
Bible Study/Prayer
Blog linkups as needed
Laundry moved to dryer (new load starts)
Abby up and dressed
Emails and Google Reader
Prep for dinner (as needed)
Clean Kitchen from Breakfast
I'll be back to post my progress as the week goes on.
Be sure to check out Crazy Adventures in Parenting for more To-Do lists on Tuesday.
The 5 Keys to Crispy Kale Chips
5 days ago
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